
A Communication Tool That Connects Municipalities and Citizens
Service Design Crisis Management
Corvin Springer Aathmigan Jegatheeswaran Kimon Apeltsotou Tim Fuchs

How can municipalities and citizens improve crisis management and cooperation?

In times of crisis, effective communication is crucial for successful management. That's why our service, DIALOG, acts as a vital link between municipalities and citizens, facilitating consistent dialogue and mutual understanding. DIALOG comprises three essential communication components:

Information Section: This section offers daily updates and important information during crises to keep citizens informed and safe.

Survey Portion: This section allows municipalities to gauge citizen well-being through short surveys, giving citizens a platform to express their opinions and contribute to decision-making processes.

• Feedback Section: This section empowers citizens to effortlessly communicate issues to the relevant authorities, facilitating prompt problem resolution.

DIALOG promotes quick and informed decision-making, builds trust, and improves crisis management and cooperation for municipalities and citizens.

The project was part of the Service Design Module in Collaboration with Stiftung Risiko Dialog.

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